New Website Follows Henry Through Paris

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A fantastic new Henry Miller website has just entered cyberspace: Walking Paris With Henry Miller. This new site will eventually become the ultimate resource for anyone planning on visiting Henry Miller's Paris and making a pilgrimage of the various hotels, cafes and other haunts he once frequented. It appears to be taking the blog approach to building the content of the site by gradually making daily postings of a particular route. Eventually it will exist as a permanently archived walking tour resource. At the momemt, Miller's Montparnasse is being mapped.
The layout is crisp and solid, and present-day photographs of places like Hotel Central, Le Select, La Rotonde, etc are featured with each post. Being Paris--which apprecaites its history--it's comforting to see that most of these places have been preserved.
Beyond the functional use of a website like this, I really am impressed with the writing. It's vivid and comprehensive, with lots of relevent quotes from even the more obscure Miller works, relating directly to the places being featured. Miller just seems to come to life. I wish this exisited when I did my Parisien Miller quest two years ago!!
Anyway, highly recommended and a welcome member to the Cyber Seurat Circle taking shape on the internet.
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