Henry Miller: The Man & His Works
(George Wickes, "Introduction," Henry Miller And The Critics; September 15, 1962).
When George Wickes conducted an interview with Henry Miller in 1962 for the Paris Review, it was the beginning of a long-standing association with the author. That same year, he was compiling a selection of letters for Lawrence Durrell & Henry Miller: A Private Correspondence, which would see publication the following year (1963). Also that year, Wickes edited a collection of critiques, memoirs and court transcripts on Miller called Henry Miller and The Critics, published by the Southern Illinois University Press.
Henry Miller and The Critics (1963) was reprinted in 1969 as Henry Miller: The Man & His Works, on a small press imprint from Toronto, Canada, called Forum House Publishing.
Preface. By Harry T. Moore, May 11, 1963.
Introduction. By George Wickes, Sept 15, 1962.
1930 - 1940: Henry Miller in Paris
My Friend Henry Miller--Paris, 1930. By Alfred Perles, from My Friend Henry Miller (A. Perles, 1956).
A Note on 'Tropic Of Cancer'--Paris, 1931. By Walter Lowenfels, from Paris To Mays Landing (W. Lowenfels, 1963)--"a book in progress"--which the author appears to have never published.
The Booster. By Frederick J Hoffman, from The Little Magazine (1946, Princeton University Press).
Un Écrivain Americain Nous Est Ne. By Blaise Cendrars, from Blaise Cendrars (H. Miller, 1951).
Twilight of the Expatriates. By Edmund Wilson, from The Shores of Light (E. Wilson, 1952).
Inside The Whale. By George Orwell, from Such, Such Were the Joys and The Collected Essays of George Orwell (G. Orwell, 1945, 1952, 1953).
The World of Henry Miller. By Herbert J Muller, from Kenyon Review (Summer 1940).
1940 - 1960: Henry Miller in America
The Miller of Big Sur. By Lawrence Clark Powell, from Books in My Baggage (L. Powell, 1960).
Henry Miller: Bigotry's Whipping Boy. By Walker Winslow, from Arizona Quarterly (Autumn 1951).

Studies in Genius: Henry Miller. By Lawrence Durrell, from Horizon (July, 1949).
A Letter to Lawrence Durrell. By Henry Miller, from Lawrence Durrell & Henry Miller: A Private Correspondence (H. Miller, L. Durrell, 1962).
Henry Miller. By Herbert Read, from the New English Weekly and The New Stateman [H. Read, publication dates not listed].
The Reality of Henry Miller. By Kenneth Rexroth, from Bird in the Bush (K. Rexroth, 1959).
The Rebel-Buffoon: Henry Miller's Legacy. By Kingsley Widmer, written exclusively for this book.
1961 and After: Tropic Of Cancer in America
From Under the Counter to Front Shelf. By Harry T. Moore, from New York Times Book Review [no date].
An Old Shocker Comes Home. By Stanley Kauffman, from The New Republic (July 10, 1961).
Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs. Tropic of Cancer. Witness transcript: Mark Schorer (Boston, September 26, 1961).
Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs. Tropic of Cancer. Witness transcript: Harry Levin (Boston, September 28, 1961).
Statement for the Los Angeles Trial. By Aldous Huxley.
Henry Miller and The Law. By Elmer Gertz, written exclusively for this book.
Draconian Postscript. By Henry Miller, written exclusively for this book (July 25, 1962).
I have a small paperback by Wickes titled Henry Miller: Down and Out in Paris, published in 1969 by Village Press. There's a note on the copyright page saying "First published in Americans in Paris 1903-1939 by Doubleday & Co, Inc, New York."
A quick note to tell you and Kreg how much I admire your work. Been reading for a couple years, but just started up a blog recently. Sang your praises over here. Thanks for all you do.
Always merry and bright!
And the community grows!
Kreg - I'm going to print out every page of Miller Walks today (well, almost every page) for my upcoming trip to Paris. Thanks!
I checked out your blog, Funnypants. That is some prime boosting. Thanks a lot! I'll add you to my sidebar.
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