From 1957 to 1964, Eddie Schwartz and Thomas H Moore published the Henry Miller Literary Society newsletter, to help solidify and promote the work of Henry Miller. This was especially important in the United States, where Miller was still widely banned. The Society disolved in 1967.
Much of the following information about Schwartz and the Society comes from
Roger Jackson's
Bibliography of Primary Sources, Volume II, which includes an interview with Schwartz, conducted by
Philip Nurenburg in 1980. The correspondence between Miller and the Society (1955-1979) is now held in the University of Minnesota's
Literary Manuscripts Collection.
1954 - Eddie Schwartz, a printer from Minneapolis, Minnesota, is re-introduced to Miller through friends at the Swedish Consulate, who have access to his banned works.
1955 - Schwartz writes a fan letter to Miller at Big Sur, sending him free stationary with Henry's name on it. He will continue to print Miller letterhead for years.
1957 - Schwartz and his friend Thomas Moore decide to create a "Henry Miller Society for the Advancement of Banned Literature," through which they would attempt to fight literary censorship, with Miller as their main cause.
1957 - Miller is asked for his approval. Miller:
"Eddie, you're crazier than hell, but if you really want to do it, then go ahead."1957 -
August. The first issue of
The Henry Miller Literary Society newsletter is mimeographed in black ink, shortly after the first organizational meeting of the Society. The second issue will not appear for two years.
1959 - Miller plugs the Society in his introduction to
The Henry Miller Reader (1959), providing the names and addresses of Schwartz and Moore.
1959 -
December. Membership is over 100.
1960 -
November. The Society has a sudden boost of membership (around 300); the newsletter (at #5) is now printed on glossy paper.
1963 - Due to increasing membership to the Society, printing costs go into the thousands. Schwartz and Moore are forced to cut back from glossy printing, and make it semi-annual instead of quarterly. "Due to lack of funds (translation: no dough), we have dropped the current issue of the Newsletter until the Society is one firmer financial grounds," wrote Schwartz in a May 1963 memo.
1964 - Membership to the Society now stands at 700; about 200 are "hard-core, fanatical stalwarts."
1964 -
October. The final issue (#13) of the newsletter is published. Schwartz says he used the opportuity of Miller's censorship case victory to end the newsletter on an upbeat note. Miller to Scwartz, upon hearing that the newsletter is ending:
"Fine, I don't blame you. You did a fine job."1967 - The Henry Miller Literary Society disbands.

Henry Miller socializes with the Henry Miller Literary Society.
Schwartz [photo in banner art at top] was born circa 1902. In the 1930s, he worked as a press agent for the Gayety Theatre Burlesque. His first exposure to Miller was from a banned copy smuggled in from France by a friend in the 1940s. Schwartz owned his own printing company, called Ad Art Advertising. Besides printing Miller's letterhead stationary and the Henry Miller Literary Society newsletter, Schwartz printed over a hundred pieces of ephemera relating to Miller (a couple listed
here), from promotional flyers to postcards. Miller insisted that he pay a regular rate for printing services, although payment sometines came in the form of original paintings; but he always paid on time. Schwartz also worked as a writer for
Minnesota Skyway News, for which he wrote reviews of books by Miller and Anais Nin.

I don't know much about Tom Moore [photo at left], but could probably piece him together if I was able to find the two-page
How The Henry Miller Literary Society Started (1960; Shifreen & Jackson H34), or maybe "A Day in The Life of 'Author-Editor' Tom Moore," a Schwartz artcile from a November 1964 edition of the Honeywell News in Minneapolis. Under the editorial direction of Moore, the Literary Society published an early
Bibliography of Henry Miller (1961). As well, Moore edited
Henry Miller on Writing (1964) for New Directions. On the newsletters, Moore is credited as "Secretary."
Copies of the Henry Miller Literary Society newsletter (Source: Bibliography of Primary Sources, Vol. II, p.331. Roger Jackson & Lawrence Shifreen.
All issues contained Society news, and often included inserts and off-prints of magazine articles about Miller (not many of which I've listed).#1 -
AUG 1957.
#2 -
NOV 1959.
Incl. a facsimilie of a letter written by Miller to Schwartz in OCT '59, in which he discusses his trip to Europe which began in April 1959.
#3 -
APR 1960.
Incl. Miller's "Notes From Big Sur,""Just a Note about Roland Bartell," "Flash Memo from Henry Miller" (re: his acceptance of the invitation to be on the
Cannes jury), "Europe Revisited: Special Letter to the Henry Miller Literary Society" and "Special Notice To Visitors!," which is a ntoice Miller apparently posted on his front door in Big Sur to ward off fans.
#4 -
AUG 1960.
Incl. Miller's "Europe Revisited (Part 1)" and "Recommended Book Stores as Listed by Henry Miller and the Henry Miller Literary Society."
#5 -
NOV 1960. First issue with glossy paper.
Incl. Miller's "Europe Revisited (Part 2)." Also: three photos of Henry (two by Wynn Bullock; one of Miller with Alfred Perles), plus that picture of the
kid with a cigarette reading
Sexus, credited to Florian Steiner.
#6 -
APR 1961.
Incl. Miller's "Europe Revisited (Part 3)," and "Postcard from Henry Miller."
#7 -
AUG 1961.
Incl. Miller's "Europe Revisited (Part 4) ." Plus a photo of Miller with Renate Gerhardt (his German girlfriend).
#8 -
DEC 1961.
Incl. Miller's "California Revisited," and "I Defy You: A Stinging Challenge to the Censors By the Author of
Tropic Of Cancer." Plus, photos of Miller with Marino Marini (who'd scultpted a bust of him in bronze) and his Danish translator Mogen Boisen.
#9 -
MAY 1962.
Incl. a photo of Henry by Robert Fink. Plus, a few Miller cartoons from American papers, and a re-print of an
Alfred Perles article from the
Yorkshire Post (Jan 12, 1962) called "Henry Miller's Banned Books."
#10 -
SEP 1962.
Incl. Miller's "Miller on the Move! (Part 1)." Also, photos of Miller with Schwartz and Moore, plus Elmer Gertz and lit critic John K Sherman. A re-print from a Schwartz article in the Rocky Mountain Herald describes Miller's recent visit to Minneapolis.
#11 -
DEC 1962.
Incl. Miller's "Miller on the Move! (Part 2)."
#12 -
OCT 1963.
This issue is heavy with news about the on-going censorship case.
#13 -
NOV 1964.
Final issue. Includes extra bibliographic info not found in Moore's published Bibliography.
Please note that I have not personally seen any of these issues, and draw on issue details exclusively from the Bibliography of Primary Sources, Vol II.